Marguerite driving under palm trees
We are providing regular updates about our programs and services in response to COVID-19.


Parked cars

剪贴板批量导入ssr / 折纸人:2021-2-20 · 当前位置: 首页 > 剪贴板批量导入ssr 通过文本导入向导实现将网上的数据批量导入到WPS 表格中 2021-02-20 匿名 425 浏览 介绍:今天小编给大家分享一个wps小知识,小知识慢慢累积起来的,一些小知识在平时自己需要用的情况下可以帮上大用场哦,赶紧 ...

Determine the permit that best fits your needs and purchase as of July 1, if you plan to park
Western arch entrance into Main Quad


Updates regarding Stanford Transportation programs and services will be published here as they become available.
Caltrain pulling into station

Pilot Go Passes extended through March 31, 2021

固态继电器(SSR)的控制和驱动方法有哪些?-基础电子-维 ...:2021-9-1 · SSR是固态继电器的简称,固态继电器一种无机械触点的电子 开关元件,它具有控制灵活,可靠性高,寿命长,在通与断的时间不会产生电火花,无噪声,开关速度快,工作频率高,抗干扰能力强等优点,SSR的另一个特点是驱动电流(或电压)小,给输入端加一个很小的信号,就可以实现对被控制 ...
cars parked beneath a tree

Learn About Stanford's Virtual Parking System

Virtual permits are instantly available, without needing a physical credential. Purchase permits by the day, month, or year, through our online portal.
Walking map of Stanford

Find Your Way

剪贴板批量导入ssr / 折纸人:2021-2-20 · 当前位置: 首页 > 剪贴板批量导入ssr 通过文本导入向导实现将网上的数据批量导入到WPS 表格中 2021-02-20 匿名 425 浏览 介绍:今天小编给大家分享一个wps小知识,小知识慢慢累积起来的,一些小知识在平时自己需要用的情况下可以帮上大用场哦,赶紧 ...

Get Started at Stanford

Are you a new student or new employee wondering what you need to know about ways to get around Stanford and the Bay Area? We can help you figure it out.